Did you make a New Year’s resolution to organize your home, but didn’t meet your goal? If you need motivation to continue, we’re here to help. Join the Summer Home Organization Challenge now!

Summer is here, and we look forward to spending time at the beach, the pool, and Disney theme parks!
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In between all the fun, we plan to set aside time to organize a few spaces in our home!
If you’re new here, and don’t know about our seasonal home organization challenges, let me explain!
Every January, I would make big plans to organize my whole house!
I always started strong, but halfway through February, I would lose momentum and eventually stop.
The idea of organizing my whole house seemed overwhelming!
Finally, I figured out how to break down home organization into small steps and spread it out so it’s not so daunting!
Want to know my secret to organize your entire house in one year?

The secret is simple!
Instead of organizing my entire house during the winter, I broke the tasks down and decided to work on a few spaces each season of the year!
When I divided the tasks into smaller segments, it felt doable!
Now, I divide my whole house into zones and tackle each zone during a different season!

Here are the zones of our home:
- Personal living (Summer): These rooms are personal to each individual who lives in our home. Master bedroom, additional bedrooms, closets (bedroom, linen, cleaning), master bathroom, additional bathrooms.
- Entertaining (Fall): The main rooms a guest would frequent when coming to our home. Entryway, living room, dining room, family/playroom, guest room.
- Working (Winter): These are the rooms that I work in, on a regular basis-the office, kitchen, and laundry room. The kitchen is a big job, so I separate it from the pantry. I do the same in my office by organizing the paper clutter on a different day.
- Outdoor (Spring): All outdoor spaces of our home. Garage (shed), Porch (patio, deck), Attic (unfinished basement), Cars (camper, boat), Yard.
Summer is here, which means it’s time to organize the Personal Living Zone of our house!
This zone consists of our bedrooms, bathrooms, and closets.

The picture above is our primary bathroom closet after I organized it last year!
It looks just the same today! We did a very good job of keeping it organized.
However, we’ve lived in this house for three years, and we have not organized our son’s bathroom.

I think he’ll be able to keep it tidier if there’s a specific place to put things he uses daily!

But, the biggest hurdle will be getting him to put empty containers in the recycle bin, lol!!
Half the clutter will be gone after he completes that simple task!
Does this ever happen in your house??

We have organized all of the bedrooms in our home, and I’m happy to report that we’ve been able to keep our primary bedroom in good order!
Except for one spot…

The nightstands!!
We’ll discuss what items belong on and inside a bedside table and how to organize them!
Tips to develop an organized nighttime routine

When our boys were small, I always developed a new bedtime routine appropriate for Summer and one for the new school year!
It’s been a long time since I developed a nighttime routine, and I think it’s time I brought it back!
I would love to build in some self-care and start a good skincare routine at nighttime!
How to get organized for a day at the beach

Many people go to the beach during the summer, including us, and we’ve learned several lessons about the essential items you need to pack to have a fabulous day!
Spruce up the Guest bedroom Furniture

Besides organizing, we have some home improvements we would like to get done during this season!
We were supposed to work on the furniture in our guest bedroom last summer, but pivoted and spruced up our middle son’s bedroom instead.
So we’ll add it back to our goal sheet for this Summer!
We don’t always meet our goals!
Why don’t we take a few minutes and talk about that?
Some people won’t make a goal because they’re afraid they won’t meet it!
If I didn’t make goals, I would procrastinate and never get anything done!
In fact, I would rather make a goal and not succeed, than not even try!
If you’re not successful in reaching your goal, it’s not the end of the world. Just don’t give up!
As I was saying, we did not meet the goal we set but instead worked on a different project.
Sometimes I just run out of time and don’t achieve a goal.
That happened in our Spring Challenge.

One of my goals was to paint the wicker furniture on our lanai and recover all of the cushions!
Look how faded the top of the back cushion is compared to the seat cushion!
In all honesty, I’m not the best seamstress and kept putting the project off.
Now, here I sit, typing the Summer Challenge and my cushions are fading more each day!
So I’m going to turn them over because the back side is not as faded and put the task back on my goal sheet for the next year’s Spring Home Organization Challenge!
Here are the organizational goals we did meet:
- Organized and cleaned our cars to prepare for road trips
- Cleaned and organized the front porch
- Spruced up our yard for Spring
- Discussed 15 ideas to get organized for Summer
HOW TO set summer home organization goals
I hope you’re inspired to join the Summer Home Organization Challenge!
If so, let’s get started!

The first thing you need to do is make a Home Organization binder to store your printables!
- If you’d like to use them, sign up for our email list here and gain access to our entire resource library for free!
- Put your printables in a home organization binder!
- Fill out the sheets!
- Start organizing!
Choose an accountability partner
You will more likely succeed if someone holds you accountable to follow through on your goals.
So contact a friend or a relative that can go on this journey with you.
I’m sure you know someone who can use help in this area!
Subscribe to our email
Subscribe even if you don’t want access to the printable library.
By subscribing to the blog, you will be able to see what we’re working on each week and gain inspiration and ideas about how to organize or improve your own spaces.
You can ask us questions in the comment section or comment on what works for you!
We don’t have all the answers, and you may have a suggestion that will help someone else!
Follow us on social media
For more inspiration and behind-the-scenes info follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest!

Now you need to decide what space(s) you will organize! To follow our plan, print the sheet pictured above!
Print the empty sheet below if you would like to organize different spaces from us!

If the thought of organizing an entire room is overwhelming, that’s ok!
Choose one item in a room to organize, like a dresser!
If that’s too much, choose to organize one drawer!
Set yourself up to win!
Once you’ve successfully organized one space, you’ll have the confidence to do something bigger the next time!

If you want to meet your goal, you need to look at your calendar and set aside time to do the work!
This printable will help you decide what to work on each week!
Are you ready to commit to the challenge?
If so, get a binder, set your goals, and let’s get the Summer Home Organization Challenge started!!
Let me know in the comments below what you plan to organize or improve this Summer!
If you enjoy the blog, please sign up for our email list so you never miss a post!
Until next time, follow us on Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram!
Blessings, Rich and Donna

If you want more organizing ideas check out a few of our posts from last Summer’s challenge:
- How to Purge, Organize, and Store Your Clothes
- 15 Awesome Storage Solutions for Your Bathroom
- My Best Advice for Organizing a Linen Closet
- Teach an Older Kid How to Organize Their Closet
- Tips to Organize Collections in a Kids Bedroom
**Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. We appreciate your support. (disclosure policy)
You are right Donna, every year I would begin with the best of intensions and then fall flat in organizing our home. Better luck next year to me, haha.
Hey Cara! No need to wait until next year, just make a couple of small organizational goals for summer! You’ll be glad you did!! I hope you’ll join us!
We have been slowly getting with the program. I forgot to mention, beautiful beach photos! We are land locked here in Ohio, some days I wish we lived near water though. I always find it so peaceful, and totally off topic for organizing. ha!
I’m glad you enjoyed the post and the pictures Cara! Good luck with your organizing! You will be amazed at how peaceful you will feel after removing clutter from your home! Not quite as relaxing as the beach though, lol!!!
Love how you break up these projects into doable bite-sized chunks, Donna! It’s so hard to stay on track sometimes, especially when life gets in the way. I can totally relate to having the best of intentions and then watching the things I care about fall to the wayside for other priorities. It’s so frustrating but having a system in place helps so much! Hugs and thanks for all you do to keep us organized, CoCo
I agree, CoCo! If I didn’t have this system for organizing I would never get around to doing it! Sometimes I meet all my goals and other times I don’t and that’s ok! Thanks for following our blog, we appreciate you so much! Blessings, Donna