How to organize your kitchen cabinets, drawers for maximum productivity and tips on how to make it look beautful as well!
How to Organize Your Clothes Seasonally
Why you should organize your clothes seasonally: less clutter, encourages clothing purge, reduces stress, more space, feels like getting a new wardrobe
How to Organize Your Home Office or Craft Space
Learn how to organize your home office and craft space! I have great tips on how to personalize the space so you enjoy working in it!
How to Organize Paper in your Home and Office
Do you have piles of bills, mail, or your kids papers taking up valuable space on your counter top or tables? Well then, it’s time to get your paper clutter organized! So before you start organizing the actual office space, you need to get all the paper items in your home under control. This year Rich and I are going to start working towards going paperless (which makes me very nervous, since I’m technology challenged)!! But, even if you’ve already gone paperless, you will still have documents and important papers that need to be kept in an orderly manner. After all, there’s nothing more frustrating than not being able to find a document when you need it. So, if you’re not quite ready to go paperless either, then this post is for you! Next year we’ll discuss both ways and the pros/cons of each. Until then, let’s start digging through all your paper clutter!!!
How to Have an Organized & Lovely Laundry Room
Laundry is not my favorite job but it’s something that has to be done on a regular basis and having an organized and lovely laundry room makes the task so much more enjoyable! I just love walking into my cute laundry room and spending time in there! I hope my room will inspire you to organize your space and then turn your room into a place you don’t dread walking into!! So here we go, let’s get the 2020 challenge started and get your laundry room organized and personalized into a space you will love!!
2020 Seasonal Home Organization Challenge
Join our challenge and organize at least 20 spaces of your home in 2020! There is never a better time to start organizing your home than at the beginning of a new year! Join me and transform your home into a functional and beautiful place that you will love living in!!